Back to Basics

Back to Basics

I know I talk often about Creativity being the most important asset to today’s entrepreneur… but there is a close second in uncertain times, and that is Confidence. Dan Sullivan of Strategic Coach factors confidence into virtually all of his tools, and strategies,...
Mine Your Complaints

Mine Your Complaints

Ahhh the plight of the customer service department… the poor souls relegated to handling the angry customers. The sacrificial lambs asked to steel themselves against the onslaught of anger and dismay, only to hang up or close their email to be alerted to the next...
Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition

I often talk about the skills that entrepreneurs need to be successful, and pattern recognition is one of my all-time favorites. Lately I am realizing that companies need to see patterns too, at every leadership level of the organization. It is our job as...
Delegate vs. Abdicate

Delegate vs. Abdicate

It is a fine line to walk between delegation and abdication – a common challenge when managing a team of employees. But I have found it to be an even bigger challenge when managing vendors, especially vendors hired for subject matter expertise. Let me start by...
Like it, Love it, HAVE TO HAVE IT!

Like it, Love it, HAVE TO HAVE IT!

In a recent email, I talked about how buyers should already be enthusiastic about the prospect of acquiring your business. Remember, a buyer shouldn’t need to be convinced!  Their interest should be inherent, and not something you have to fight for. And it occurred to...
Is Being a Fan of Sports a Waste of Time?

Is Being a Fan of Sports a Waste of Time?

It is an age-old debate, and one I have heard many times… is being a fan of sports a waste of time? I spent a month of my life deeply invested, emotionally and economically, in the Philadelphia Phillies improbable run to game 6 of the World Series. And in sharing that...