Oct 28, 2021
At align5, we are apt to use a lot of sports analogies when describing different business scenarios, and for good reason. Sports are akin to our organizations in that to win, you need the right players in the right spots executing the right strategy. And since we’re...
Oct 11, 2021
The entrepreneurial lifecycle can be a mental rollercoaster. From the thrill of identifying a solution you’re going to solve in the market, to the sheer exhaustion of the start-up years, to the endless challenges of scaling up and managing cash flow, and finally to...
Oct 4, 2021
The 5 D’s of Exiting a Business All businesses will exit at some point. The question is whether it will be on your terms or not. Selling a company at top valuation is an ideal and exceptional way to exit, but there are many kinds. There are five common reasons a...
Sep 23, 2021
By align5 Coach, Ross Shott Do even a cursory internet search for leadership and you will find hundreds of thousands of books, articles, and speeches illuminating the topic. (Amazon alone has over 150,000 books tagged with leadership). There are tens of thousands of...
Aug 25, 2021
The data is clear, engaged employees are absent less, have fewer injuries, and are significantly more productive with higher quality levels than an under-engaged or actively disengaged employee. Yet despite the increasing billions being spent year after year on...