Paint a Picture One of the most strategic ways you can add value and decrease the perception of risk in the mind of a buyer is to craft a story for the future. When you can paint a picture about how this asset (your company) can produce a predictable recurring profit...
When it comes to making your business as attractive as possible to potential buyers, anything you can do to reduce their perception of risk is going to command a higher offer. Think about the risk profile of a potential buyer. How can you mitigate their perceived...
The entrepreneurial lifecycle can be a mental rollercoaster. From the thrill of identifying a solution you’re going to solve in the market, to the sheer exhaustion of the start-up years, to the endless challenges of scaling up and managing cash flow, and finally to...
The 5 D’s of Exiting a Business All businesses will exit at some point. The question is whether it will be on your terms or not. Selling a company at top valuation is an ideal and exceptional way to exit, but there are many kinds. There are five common reasons a...