Is Easier Better?
I am getting ready to leave on a very exciting trip, to work with a small group to explore how to use flow state to become a better writer. The 3-day course is hosted by Steven...
Lessons Learned from Jimmy Buffett – Deeply Engaging Your Customers
As you all know by now we just lost a legend of the business world, in Jimmy Buffett. In honor of his impact on me as an entrepreneur, I’m going to dedicate a few emails in the...
My Timezone Rant
Ok, time for my timezone rant… First though, do you know how you can tell if someone is a pilot? They will tell you! Oldie but goodie I know… But as a pilot you get really good...
Are We Distracting Our Lives Away?
As I've shared in previous emails, I'm an avid learner. It's earned me the title of "the guy who knows a lot about a lot" or in other words, quirky! Even with all the various...
Remarkable Innovation
We certainly live in a world of innovation. New business strategies and ideas are literally around us virtually every second of every day. Brands, large and small, are constantly...
AI and the OODA Loop
I just got off a call about AI and the future, which is a process that I am going through at least 4 or 5 times a week these days.. and I am enjoying the learning. But I am...
Slack Pricing – WOW!
I am a sucker for business models that fly in the face of industry standards, but make so much sense. It is why I like the book Moneyball so much... Last year we finally switched...
Music and Your Mindset
Most of you are aware at this point how much I admire Jimmy Buffett. I talk about him often and how much I admire him as a musician and astute entrepreneur. With his recent...
Back to Basics
I know I talk often about Creativity being the most important asset to today’s entrepreneur… but there is a close second in uncertain times, and that is Confidence. Dan Sullivan...
Mine Your Complaints
Ahhh the plight of the customer service department… the poor souls relegated to handling the angry customers. The sacrificial lambs asked to steel themselves against the...