It Isn’t About the Hotdog… It’s About Change
As I stare out my window this morning, I am reminded of how sometimes things that have become part of the fabric of your day are often taken for granted. RIP Wally's Weiner...
Caveat Emptor
For all of you old enough to remember, and anyone into old TV reruns, those were the wise words from Mike Brady to Greg Brady when he had his heart set on buying a car. The car...
How Do You Use Your Weekend?
I am really curious how you spend your weekend. But more importantly, I want to know: what is the healthy balance of weekend versus workweek (if there is such a thing) for you?...
What is My Company Worth?
For those of you who might be unfamiliar with me, I do M&A for a living—Mergers and Acquisitions. I take private companies, help them get ready for their exit, take them to...
Reimagining Commercial Real Estate
There is impending doom in Commercial Real Estate and it is likely going to be painful. This is especially the case for banks with unbalanced portfolios heavy in real estate. And...
Tent Poles & 4th of July
I have a rule when consuming anything TV or film-related. For the most part, I will only watch comedy and sports. I don't watch the news (I read it just enough to be informed) as...
Do You Live “In The Gap”?
I have learned a lot from my friend Dan Sullivan (of Strategic Coach fame) over the years. One of the most profound things I have heard Dan teach and talk about is the idea of...
Another Lesson Learned from Reading the E-Myth
Thought I would share another great lesson I learned from the E-Myth Revisited and Michael Gerber, one of the all-time classics. When many of us start in business, we have to...
Favorite DAYS!
Entrepreneurs are often unique individuals. It’s what makes us view the world differently. I have often been called quirky which I wear as a badge of honor! One of the ways this...
On Keeping Score
Disclaimer: I am writing this message for me. To me, actually. I am a hypocrite and I am going to call myself out. So here goes... Many of my relationships end badly. Really...