The Magic of Goal Setting

The Magic of Goal Setting

I have a bunch of odd, lofty goals to set... but I always wonder… What is the right setting to perform the task? What is the best "vehicle" to get there? Where do these goals...

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Beware of the Hesitant M&A Buyer!

Beware of the Hesitant M&A Buyer!

When it comes to selling your company, it's so important to remember: selling a company is not at all like a typical sales interaction.  Many of us have been trained to overcome...

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Staging Your Business to Sell

Staging Your Business to Sell

The only constant in life is change. You may not need me to tell you this, but I've always operated on the principle that the more prepared you are for change, the more at peace...

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Here’s Your “Limitless” Pill

Here’s Your “Limitless” Pill

Do you remember that Bradley Cooper movie from like 10 years ago? You know, the one where he plays a struggling writer who takes a magic pill and is instantly able to do anything...

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