The World Changed Forever on June 5th… Did You Notice?
The world changed forever, in a fundamental way, on Monday, June 5th… …and most people didn't even notice it. I contend this was as significant a moment in history as the moment...
If you are an Entrepreneur, I just want to say… Thank you
If you are an Entrepreneur, I just want to say… Thank you. I was asked to help present to Verne Harnish's Scaling Up Master Class this week, specifically for the...
The Magic of Goal Setting
I have a bunch of odd, lofty goals to set... but I always wonder… What is the right setting to perform the task? What is the best "vehicle" to get there? Where do these goals...
An Amazing Company Culture Comes Down to This…
So, today is the first Friday in June, and here in the Philadelphia area, it’s HOT outside! And typically, on Fridays like today, most companies might do a half-day for their...
Beware of the Hesitant M&A Buyer!
When it comes to selling your company, it's so important to remember: selling a company is not at all like a typical sales interaction. Many of us have been trained to overcome...
Where Are You On a Scale of “Declining” to “Thriving”?
No matter how successful we are, no matter how much money and possessions we have, no matter what our ambitions are...we all ultimately have to grapple with the the inevitable:...
Acquisitions as a Growth Strategy? Yes or No??
I did 24 buy-side acquisitions when I built my call center company, Appletree, so I get questions all the time about acquisitions. Acquiring a company can be the fastest way to...
Staging Your Business to Sell
The only constant in life is change. You may not need me to tell you this, but I've always operated on the principle that the more prepared you are for change, the more at peace...
Are You Practicing “Unreasonable Hospitality”?
We just finished up our Scaling Up Coaches quarterly meeting—a 3-day event hosted at align.Space, our state-of-the-art coworking space in West Chester. I received a ton of...
Here’s Your “Limitless” Pill
Do you remember that Bradley Cooper movie from like 10 years ago? You know, the one where he plays a struggling writer who takes a magic pill and is instantly able to do anything...